Shrink Schiphol

Bringing creativity and activism together: municipal policies influenced, perspectives changed.





Mother nature

Minder Hinder Gooise Meren

Deck building, concepting


Shrink Schiphol

Bringing creativity and activism together: municipal policies influenced, perspectives changed.





Mother nature

Minder Hinder Gooise Meren

Deck building, concepting


Shrink Schiphol

Bringing creativity and activism together: municipal policies influenced, perspectives changed.





Mother nature

Minder Hinder Gooise Meren

Deck building, concepting


Few companies in the Netherlands are as destructive for our environment and for our quality of living as Schiphol. Together with local activist groups, I built a deck to show the insanity of Schiphol airport in the Netherlands for our municipalities.

The campaign resulted in raised awareness and open doors to various other entities taking up the fight against the worst polluter in the Netherlands. Writing an opinion piece against Amsterdam's newspaper Parool's one sided "journalism" also helped: 77K reads and counting.

(And no: we're not finished yet. Watch this space.)

Few companies in the Netherlands are as destructive for our environment and for our quality of living as Schiphol. Together with local activist groups, I built a deck to show the insanity of Schiphol airport in the Netherlands for our municipalities.

The campaign resulted in raised awareness and open doors to various other entities taking up the fight against the worst polluter in the Netherlands. Writing an opinion piece against Amsterdam's newspaper Parool's one sided "journalism" also helped: 77K reads and counting.

(And no: we're not finished yet. Watch this space.)

Few companies in the Netherlands are as destructive for our environment and for our quality of living as Schiphol. Together with local activist groups, I built a deck to show the insanity of Schiphol airport in the Netherlands for our municipalities.

The campaign resulted in raised awareness and open doors to various other entities taking up the fight against the worst polluter in the Netherlands. Writing an opinion piece against Amsterdam's newspaper Parool's one sided "journalism" also helped: 77K reads and counting.

(And no: we're not finished yet. Watch this space.)

Let's write.

©? No, use anything as long as you make it better — SJV

Other places:

Let's write.

©? No, use anything as long as you make it better — SJV

Other places:

Let's write.

©? No, use anything as long as you make it better — SJV